As a responsible corporate citizen, Tiger Brands is committed to promoting ethical and sustainable business practices and the protection of human rights within its supply chain. At Tiger Brands, corporate social responsibility and compliance are integral part of corporate and management culture. Therefore, the following requirements shall apply to all the Suppliers of the Tiger Brands Group. PURPOSE The purpose of the Supplier Code of Conduct is the adherence to all relevant laws and regulations and the Tiger Brands Group Code of Ethics and the promotion and protection of human rights within its supply chain in line with the in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
This Code applies to all Suppliers and companies controlled by Tiger Brands Ltd (the “Group”) and forms part of the Group's operating philosophy, policies, standards and values. The Code is comprised of six (6) sections. Section 1 outlines the elements to manage conformity to this Code. Sections 2, 3 and 4 outline standards for Labour, Health and Safety, and the Environment, respectively. Section 5 adds standards relating to business ethics, and Section 6 contains additional provisions.
Suppliers shall have a management system and process in place that ensures compliance with the Code.
1.1 Compliance with Laws & Regulations
Tiger Brands requires that all Suppliers conduct their business in compliance with all applicable laws
including anti-trust or anti-competition laws, regulations and Codes of their countries and jurisdictions
where they conduct business. Compliance with the terms of this Code of Conduct is a condition of any
agreement or contract between Tiger Brands Group and the Supplier. Tiger Brands reserves the right
to verify compliance and to conduct Supplier compliance/audit reviews as part of its on-going
compliance monitoring during the contractual relationship.
1.2 Record Keeping
Suppliers must keep accurate records of all matters related to their business with Tiger Brands. In
addition, the Supplier shall record and report business information honestly and accurately and
comply with applicable laws concerning complete and accurate records. Suppliers shall create and
maintain documents and records to ensure regulatory compliance and conformity to the Code.
Suppliers are committed to uphold the human rights of workers, and to treat them with dignity and
respect as understood by the international community and proclaimed under the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization's core conventions.
2.1 Employment
Forced, bonded or indentured labour shall not be used under any circumstances. All work must be
2.2 Child Labour
The use of child labour of any form is forbidden and this shall also include bonded labour.
2.3 Working Hours
The Supplier shall comply with the respective national laws and regulations regarding working hours,
wages and benefits.
2.4 Wages and Benefits
Suppliers should compensate workers in a timely manner at pay rates that comply with applicable
wage laws.
2.5 Non-Discrimination
Suppliers must maintain a workforce free of harassment and unlawful discrimination.
2.6 Freedom of Association
The rights of workers to seek representation, associate freely, join or not join labour unions should be
respected in accordance with local laws.
3.1 Occupational Safety
Suppliers must provide workers with a safe and healthy work environment and take proactive
measures to prevent workplace hazards. Suppliers must comply with all applicable quality, health,
safety and environmental regulations. All required permits, licenses and registrations will be obtained,
maintained and kept up-to date. Suppliers should report all incidents at work and provide or provide
access to necessary medical treatment to employees.
3.2. Occupational Injury and Illness
Procedures and systems are to be in place to prevent, manage, track and report occupational injury
and illness, including provisions to: a) encourage worker reporting; b) classify and record injury and
illness cases; c) provide necessary medical treatment; d) investigate cases and implement corrective
actions to eliminate their causes; and e) facilitate return of workers to work.
3.3 Hygiene
Suppliers must provide workers with reasonable access to clean toilet facilities, food preparations,
storage, clean drinking water and eating facilities. Suppliers who provide residential and dining
facilities for their workers must provide safe, healthy and sanitary facilities.
Suppliers are required to be aware of and comply with local environment laws and show sensitivity to other environmental issues that may impact the local community. Environmental pollution shall be minimized and environmental protection shall be improved continuously.
4.1 Environmental Permits and Reporting
All required environmental permits, approvals and registrations must be obtained, maintained and
kept current and their operational and reporting requirements are to be followed.
4. 2.Pollution Prevention and Resource Reduction
Waste of all types should be reduced or eliminated at the source or by practices such as modifying
production, maintenance and facility processes, using materials substitution, conservation, recycling
and re-using materials.
4.3 Hazardous Substances
Chemicals and other materials posing hazard if released to the environment, should be identified and
managed to ensure safe handling, movement, storage, recycling or reuse and disposal.
4.4. Waste and Emissions
Suppliers should characterize, monitor, control and treat wastewater, solid waste and air emissions
generated from operations as required prior to discharge or disposal.
4.5. Product Content Restrictions
Suppliers shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations and customer requirements regarding
prohibition or restriction of specific substances, including labelling and recycling and disposal.
Tiger Brands requires the highest standards of integrity in all business interactions between Tiger Brands and the Supplier and its suppliers.
5.1. Integrity
Tiger requires the highest standards of integrity in all business interactions. Any and all forms of
corruption, extortion and embezzlement are strictly prohibited.
5.2. Confidentiality, Intellectual Property and Data Privacy
Suppliers are required to protect and responsibly use the intellectual assets and confidential
information of Tiger Brands, consistent with Tiger Brands authority for such use. Suppliers may not
use for their own purposes or disclose to any third party Tiger Brands Intellectual property, trade
secrets or other confidential, proprietary or sensitive information without the prior written consent of
Tiger Brands. Suppliers shall comply with Tiger Brands requirements relating to confidentiality,
security, data privacy, and intellectual property protection. Suppliers must adhere to the intellectual
property ownership rights of Tiger Brands and others, including without limitation copyrights, patents,
trademarks, licenses, and trade secrets. Suppliers are prohibited from using any Tiger Brands or third
party patented technology, copyrighted materials, or other intellectual property or confidential
information without written permission. Suppliers are further prohibited from transferring, publishing,
disclosing, or using Tiger Brands confidential information other than as necessary in the ordinary
course of business or as authorized by Tiger Brands.
5.3. Data Privacy Laws and Regulations
Suppliers are required to abide by applicable data privacy laws and regulations.
5.4. Fair Business, Advertising and Competition
Suppliers shall maintain all standards of fair business, advertising and competition using appropriate
means to safeguard customer information at all times.
5.5. Protection of Identity
Programs that ensure the confidentiality and protection of Suppliers and employee whistle-blowers
are to be maintained. Tiger Brands prohibits any retaliation or retribution by Suppliers against any
individual who, in good faith, reports questionable behaviour or non-compliance with this Code.
5.6. Social Responsibility
Suppliers should realize the impacts which its business has on its local community and should strive
to have a positive impact on its community.
5.7. Anti-Bribery
The Supplier shall comply with international as well as local anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws. In
particular, the Supplier may not offer services, gifts or benefits to Tiger Brands employees in order to
influence employee conduct in representing Tiger Brands.
5.8 Gifts and Hospitality
Tiger Brands employees and all Suppliers are required to adhere to the Group Code of Ethics in
relation to the gift and hospitality.
6.1. Conflicts of Interest
Suppliers must be free to act with total objectivity in their business dealings with Tiger Brands, and
thus, must avoid conflicts of interest. If a potential or actual conflict of interest arises that impedes a
Supplier's ability to act objectively on behalf of Tiger Brands, the Suppliers must report all relevant
details to Tiger Brands. The Supplier must disclose any conflict of interest before entering into any
negotiations and or business relationship with Tiger Brands.
6.2. Quality Assurance
Tiger Brands is dedicated to providing safe high-quality products and its Suppliers must deliver
products and services that meet food safety and quality standards required by applicable law and
Tiger Brands quality standards. Suppliers shall ensure that they provide products and services related
to Tiger Brands business pursuant to the highest quality standards.
6.3. Reporting
Suppliers must inform their Tiger Brands contact person if any situation develops that causes the
Supplier to act in violation of this Code. Violations or possible violations of this Code can be reported
to the Tiger Brands Ethics Line on 0800 808 080 or via email to tiger-brands@ethics-line.com.
6.4. Training and awareness
Suppliers should put in place reasonable measures to ensure appropriate training to relevant staff in
order to meet applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
Any breach of the supplier Code of Conduct may result in actions being taken against that Supplier, in addition to any contractual or legal remedies. The action taken will depend on the nature and seriousness of the breach and the degree of commitment shown by the Supplier remedying the breach of its obligations under the Code of Conduct.
The following Tiger Brands policies must be read in conjunction with the Group Supplier Code of Conduct:
- Group Code of Ethics.
- Ethics Line Policy.
- Human Rights Policy.
This policy is based on:
- The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- The United Nation Global Compact (UNGC).
- International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Contact person Wilson Ratjomana: Group Compliance Officer (011) 840 4457 wilson.ratjomana@tigerbrands.com