Health and Safety Policy Statement
Tiger Brands (PTY) Ltd. considers health and safety to be of paramount importance in its operations. Tiger Brands is committed to: the Health and Safety legal requirements; and, the continual improvement of its health and safety control arrangements and performance. It is our policy therefore to promote and maintain an environment to safeguard our employees, our facilities and our equipment.
This will contribute to the efficient operation of our business. The operations will comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and its regulations. To avoid losses, a health and safety management programme will operate throughout the company, and the following principles will apply:
- Tiger Brands will provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment
- Responsibility for minimising losses will rest with all staff for the areas and persons under their control.
- A committee will be formed to co-ordinate the combined efforts of all engaged at a site so as to reduce losses.
- A safety co-coordinator will co-ordinate the activities at each site.
- Loss prevention rules will be formulated to cover all work procedures.
- Health and safety procedures will form part of the training of employees.
- Adequate first aid facilities will be provided and first aid training arranged.
- Suitable safety equipment will be provided for hazardous work.
- Suggestions to rectify unsafe conditions and acts to prevent losses will be considered from employees, and suitable recognition given for implementation of corrective usable procedures. q
- The safety policy will be promoted among staff through training.
- The safety programme in each plant will be afforded assistance and will make use of the services of acceptable safety management consultants.
- Annual Health and Safety audits will be conducted to ensure legal compliance.
- This policy will be reviewed at regular intervals
We consider the health, safety and welfare at work of our employees and contractors to be an essential part of being a responsible and productive company that manages business risks and delivers long-term stakeholder value. Tiger Brands overall health and safety objective is to prevent accidents, injuries and occupational ill-health at all locations under company management control.
Environmental Policy Statement
Tiger Brands (PTY) Ltd. recognizes the concern for the environment thus being an integral part of its corporate business strategy. Our goal is to responsibly manage environmental impacts and enable excellence in operations and business performance while providing a workplace that takes into account climate change concerns and environmental wellbeing of our people and service providers. We therefore intend to improve our environmental performance by the structured application of the following basic principles: q Complying with applicable environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements and where appropriate, proactively seek to meet future legislative requirements in a cost-effective manner q To establish and maintain a well-developed Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 14001 in all our operations to ensure that substance is given to the philosophy of improving and protecting the environment within our areas of influence. q Identifying hazards, assessing risks and implementing effective controls to prevent causes and mitigate possible consequences. Furthermore to continue to set and periodically review environmental objectives and targets and communicate progress accordingly. The use of environmental management systems and appropriate business tools will be key in achieving the set targets q To adopt applicable environment legislation as being the minimum acceptable standard and adopting practice which will continuously reduce pollution, energy usage and all forms of waste. To also encourage the sustainable use of natural resources by promoting the re-use, reduction and recycling of materials and waste to prevent pollution. q Involve our employees in becoming aware of environmental issues, enabling them to contribute to the goal of continuously improving environmental performance in activities relating to our business. As part of raising the climate change awareness, we also continue to develop and formalize our environmental data collection processes and align our risk control management practices to minimize pollution to our environment. q Maintaining communication and promoting dialogue with stakeholders, authorities, adjacent communities, and other interested parties to demonstrate Tiger Brands commitment to contribute towards a cleaner environment and also to continue our active participation in environmental matters and legislation debates through established forums. q Taking decisions that add sustainable value in the short, medium and long term.
Safety, Health and Environmental Management Guideline
Tiger Brands, a branded Fast Moving Consumer Goods company, is committed to ensuring that in all its spheres of activity and in respect of the products it produces, it will conduct itself in a way that is safe, healthy and free from harm. Tiger Brands commits to a Health, Safety and Environmental Management Programme through the implementation of the best operating practices and standards at all its facilities and operations, thereby ensuring compliance with relevant legislation requirements. Tiger Brands shall endeavour to limit the impacts on the environment by continually improving our environmental performance. We will also conform to aspects as required by sound corporate governance on risk control management relating to Health and Safety. Tiger Brands will achieve these by fulfilling the following commitments: -
- Progressive integration of environmental management practices, appropriate to our activities, products and services, into the business planning processes, other requirements and day-to-day operations, in accordance with ISO 14001 and the OHSAS 18001 the Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series for health and safety management systems plus the MARSH risk, safety and environmental management plan
- Identify, monitor and minimize our significant aspects and impacts by setting achievable objectives and targets through the use of the environmental and occupational health and safety management systems plus the appropriate business tools
- Forging close working relationships with Government agencies, business partners and other concerned organisations to promote and strive for continuous improvement in all aspects relating to Safety, Health and Environmental practices
- Continue to develop and formalize our LTIFR reporting and environmental data collection processes and align our risk control management practices to minimize accidents, incidents that can result in injuries and pollution to the environment
- Periodically undertake audits of our risks to employees, contractors, service providers and communities; to also conduct audits for our safety and environmental systems in order to enhance our level of performance and determine compliance to the applicable legislation and other regulations in all areas of our operation.
Tiger Brands has committed to set targets, measure, monitor their performance and report on the following aspects:-
- Accident / incident performance based on the OHSAS 18001;
- Training achievements for safety, health and environmental awareness;
- Achievement of annual Safety, Health and Environmental objectives including, with respect to emissions to air, water use, energy use, waste management and packaging material consumption; and DIFR rating plus the relevant action initiatives to improve the overall performance of these targets
- Product innovation to take environmental concerns into consideration during changes in the business processes such as: procurement of materials / goods / services, new capital projects, product development.
Tiger Brands considers the Safety, Health and Environmental Management Programme to be of utmost importance and is totally committed to a continuous improvement philosophy. This Safety, Health and Environment Management Guideline is applicable to all facilities and operations of Tiger Brands and its subsidiaries. This guideline is aimed at achieving excellence in the management of Safety, Health & Environment in the Operations.
The following elements will be
1. Mandatory elements
- Compliance with applicable National, provincial and local legislations
- Compliance to Tiger Brands and other applicable SHE requirements
- Implement and sustain ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 management systems.
- Clear accountability & active management leadership to promote a safe working environment & the professional management of hazards and environmental aspects in our operations.
- Communication and participation of all stakeholders with an interest in the environment, safety and health of the site, including outside authorities and community as needed.
- Promotion of safety (proactive) rather than avoiding accidents (reactive).
- Appropriate systematic hazard and aspects identification and risk and impact assessment to reduce to a manageable level the potential impact of hazards on human safety and on the business.
- Technical standards for design, construction, operation and maintenance.
- Emergency & contingency planning to minimise the impact of incidents and accidents.
- Security management to protect our products, assets & intellectual property
- Continuous improvement in managing Safety, Occupational Health & and the environment. All with due regard to what is reasonably practicable.
2. Risk and impact assessment
Risk assessments and environmental impacts are carried out within work areas by the ISO/OHSAS team members. Risk Assessments/environmental impacts identify hazards/environmental aspects and detail preventative measures required either to eliminate the risk or the impact altogether or to reduce it to as low as possible and ensure control measures are in place to manage the risk/impact.
3. Crisis and incident management
Tiger Brands is committed to effective crisis and incident management. Risk assessment has identified potential incidents that could impact on our business and a prevention plan implemented.
4. Consultation and Information
Tiger Brands will consult on occupational health and safety with employees and inform them of any changes in the workplace that may affect them. The site holds monthly Health and Safety meetings attended by Health and Safety Committee members, including employee representatives and actions arising from these meetings shall be dealt with in the appropriate manner. The minutes of these meetings are displayed on notice boards within the operations.
5. Training
Tiger Brands employees will undergo health and safety training appropriate to their roles on site. All staff undergoes health and safety training as part of their induction to site and all will be exposed to further continuous training during their employment.
6. Occupational Health
A medical procedure exists for each site covering aspects of occupational health including health surveillance programmes, medicals, health promotions, etc. Support for occupational health matters is available from the clinic.
7. Accident/incident Reporting
Tiger Brands requires the reporting of accidents and incidents on site, including those to employees, visitors and contractors, including labour broker employees. The operations will support and maintain a reporting system. Reportable incidents and accidents will be reported as per legal requirements.
The following serious accidents shall be reported to Tiger Brands head office as soon as possible or within 24 hours:
Leading to fatality or serious injury, including:
- All Tiger Brands employees, labour Broker employees and all 3rd parties on the operations premises-, irrespective of their reason for being there.
- Any other person that is fatally injured or injured by an incident on the Operations Premises. (E.g. neighbours affected by an ammonia release).
- Off-site accidents involving Tiger Brands employees while on company business
Accidents causing financial loss from all causes (including fires, floods, and earthquakes) which result in significant damage to Tiger Brands property, lost production or product loss etc.)
That may become a public issue (irrespective of seriousness), especially:
- If it has been reported in the news media or internet
- If it is likely to result in prosecution of the company or any employee.
8. Injury statistics report
This shall be followed up with a written investigation report within 10 days. Investigation reports of reportable incidents will also be submitted to authorities (Relevant Municipality, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Department of Labour, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism). Monthly operations reports will include
- Total number of employees on-site, including Labour broker employees and contractors
- Number of man-hours worked
- Number of injuries/occupational illnesses & resulting lost man-days.
- Number of fatalities and permanently disabling injuries.
- Number of major environmental incidents
9. Fire Procedures
Staff is required to know and understand the company’s Fire and Emergency Evacuation procedures which are displayed at various points around the buildings. Fire risk assessments are a part of the site risk assessment process and fire prevention measures are in place throughout the buildings. Staff will receive regular fire training in accordance with fire regulations and evacuation drills will be undertaken on regular intervals.
10. Waste management
Tiger Brands will ensure sound environmental management of waste and to maximise the utilisation of valuable resources. The operations will adopt best environmental practices in waste management through recycling, reducing and reusing waste. We will demonstrate on an on-going basis a “cradle to grave” responsibility for waste generated on site, to the extent reasonably practicable and applicable to the South African conditions.
11. Waste water management
Tiger Brands will monitor waste water to ensure that the effluent quality complies with the parameters stated in the legislation.
12. Smoking
Smoking on site is not permitted except in designated smoking areas. Smoking policy shall be adhered to at all times
13. Measuring Performance
Tiger Brands management is committed to improve our SHE performance. To achieve this, a scorecard on accidents, incidents, environmental measures and performance will be recorded and displayed on notice boards.
14. Auditing, inspection and management review
This is an essential part of any safety, health and environmental program to verify progress, identify health & safety hazards and environmental aspects and implementing the action plans to help improve the performance levels. Departmental SHE representatives will be responsible to conduct SHE monthly inspections. Tiger Brands Management will carry out regular SHE audits of all operations sections, as per audit schedules to ensure compliance to our standards and policy.
15. Hazardous Chemical Substances (HCS)
To meet its obligations within the HCS Regulations, Tiger Brands will identify and assess the risk/impacts of materials, gases, chemicals etc. on site and compile a register stating their location and use. Measures will be maintained to prevent or control the hazard or risk and employees will receive information, instruction and training necessary to understand the risk and impacts concerning the use of hazardous materials. HCS assessments are kept in the SHE Safety Department and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) relating to any hazardous substance will be displayed in the area where the substance is located.
16. Personal Protective Equipment
Managers will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal protective equipment is provided for certain tasks and duties on site. Equipment will be assessed for its suitability and adequate information, instruction and training will be provided for the user. The use of personal protective clothing will be strictly adhered to. The user will also be made aware of the risks and hazards involved in the task requiring personal protective equipment. Managers will take reasonable practicable steps to ensure that personal protective equipment is available at all times, but employees must also ensure they look after the equipment and only use it for its intended purpose.
17. Ergonomics
Ergonomic study will be part of the occupational hygiene survey
18. Equipment and premises
Schedules exist for systematic maintenance of equipment and plant on site and records are kept by the SHE Department/ Engineering Department. Maintenance is undertaken by approved contractors, under permit conditions where applicable and all contractors go through induction before being allowed access to the site. New equipment introduced to the premises will be assessed and training and instruction will be given to operators.
19. Permit to work system
Work permit system is implemented and will ensure control of contractor work.
20. Contractor Management
All work classified as construction work shall comply with the construction regulations. An appointed contractor shall submit a SHE file with all the necessary documentation. All contractors will sign a mandatory SHE agreement before commencing with their activities at the operations. Contractors must be in good standing with the workman’s compensation.
21. Security
The Operations shall establish a security program in line with company policies. This program shall include at least the following elements:
- Site access and internal security, maintained by enclosing, zoning and guarding to minimise the risk of unauthorised entry and theft.
- Confidential or secret information shall be distributed on a "need to know" basis, supported by appropriate confidentiality agreements. However, site management must ensure that information essential to perform a function is freely available to the user.
Visitors must be accompanied by a Tiger Brands employee. Only approved contractors will be permitted on the operations site. All employees, visitors and contractors will only gain access to the site through the security access controls. Tiger Brands will maintain a search policy and can request that any person including motor vehicles, trucks and baggage undergo a search by an authorized member of security.
22. Communication with stakeholders*
Open communication with all stakeholders is essential and, in some cases, mandatory. Depending on the situation, stakeholders may include:
- All on-site management and staff
- Staff members that give support and assistance
- Other Tiger Brands site personnel to share best practices and experiences.
- Outside authorities, such as regulators and local emergency services – especially for emergency plans.
- Neighbouring community (and its’ leaders or politicians) who may be affected by offsite consequences of an incident.
23. Participation in decisions and development:
Management must actively ensure that operational Safety, Health. Environment & Risk management is a team effort; with active participation of all appropriate stakeholders. This must include at least site staff at all levels. It should also include outside organisations where necessary (especially local emergency services – who must be at least familiar with emergency plans). Local management must determine relevant stakeholders and their involvement. *Stakeholders are people and groups that have a direct interest in site safety.
24. Special requirements for outsourcing and third party operations
Management of health and safety of 3rd parties is clearly the responsibility of their management. However, their incidents can have significant effect on our business. Therefore, management shall at least ensure that:
- The technical condition of the 3rd party site, buildings, machinery and safety equipment is adequate to minimise the risk of losses to Tiger Brands property or business interests.
- Safety and emergency management on the 3rd party site is adequate to ensure that Tiger Brands business interests are not significantly jeopardised.
- Contingency plans are in place to ensure that an incident on the 3rd party site does not significantly affect our business.
- Legal liability for an incident caused by 3rd parties is not passed on to Tiger Brands operations. In addition to this, our suppliers should also be encouraged to apply at least similar safety standards to Tiger Brands operations.
25. Disciplinary measures
As a last resort, there must be clear and consistent rules and disciplinary procedures to deal with habitual or serious violations of safety, health and environmental standards.
26. Continuous improvement
Continuous Improvement is an integral part of operational Safety, Health & Environment, it includes:
- Regular management review of quantifiable results (KPI's), standards, practices and priorities. This is best done by systematically benchmarking to identify and apply best practices.
- Regular hazard assessments and safety inspections to identify potential hazards
- Incident investigations and improvements to reduce the risk of repeat incidents.
- Management of change procedures to minimise new hazards caused by technical or operational changes.
- External (to the site) audits of site safety standards and management practices.
27. Condition for successful implementation
The preferred implementation approach is based on a widely accepted management cycle:
"Plan" (Establish Targets and Plans.)
"Do" (Implement Targets & Plans.)
"Check" (Check Results and Define Corrective & Preventive Actions.)
"Act" (Continuous Improvement)
Non-Smoking Policy Statement
Tiger Brands (PTY) Ltd. is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors and visitors. In line with this commitment and adhering to the Tobacco Products Control Act of 2001, Tiger Brands has adopted a Non-Smoking Policy in the company premises. Smoking is strictly prohibited within all company work areas and public spaces including conference rooms, private offices, reception areas, restrooms, stairwells, hallways, work stations, warehouses, canteens and all other enclosed areas frequented by employees during the course of their employment. This policy applies to all employees, clients, contractors and visitors.
The objective of this policy is to provide a smoke-free environment at all company premises, in order to achieve a healthier and pleasant work place, safeguard non-smokers from the risks to health of passive smoke and protect the company sites from increased risk of fire.
Where it is feasible, designated smoking areas may be assigned by the company; although Tiger Brands recognises the harmful effects of tobacco smoke mainly due to increased risk of contracting lung cancer and heart disease. All employees, contractors and visitors are expected to abide by this policy when performing activities at Tiger Brands sites as well as to comply with the non-smoking policy in force, in any other place where they may be called to perform activities for the company.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in any part of the company premises, except in any designated smoking area(s) assigned by the company. Smokers are not to smoke immediately outside the entrances to company premises.
- No designated smoking area can be assigned in work places, operating areas (hazardous and non-hazardous) or places that must be crossed to reach smoke free areas. Notices and signs will be provided to indicate areas in which employees and visitors can smoke.
- In any place, except in designated smoking area(s), the right of non-smokers to breathe clean air prevails over the right of the smokers to smoke.
- Smokers may have reasonable smoking breaks, provided these are approved by their Supervisor.
- A formal review of this policy will be conducted on a periodical basis.
- When smoking or otherwise using tobacco or similar products outside, do not leave cigarette butts or other traces of litter or tobacco use on the ground.
- Persons observing a violation of this policy should bring it to the attention of their supervisor. All complaints received will be investigated as confidentially as possible. All personnel are expected to cooperate fully with any such investigation. The Group will institute disciplinary proceedings for non-compliance with this policy.
In recognition of Health, Safety and Environment concerns, Tiger Brands encourages its employees, contractors and visitors to quit smoking.